Divali Celebration in Tunapuna 2023


Divali, also known as Diwali, is a time-honored Hindu festival that symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. The festival is marked by the lighting of diyas (oil lamps), colorful rangoli decorations, and a myriad of cultural performances that showcase the rich tapestry of Trinidad and Tobago's diverse heritage. This year's celebrations in Tunapuna extend beyond individual households, embracing the spirit of community unity. Residents of lower Caura Road communities in El Dorado can anticipate a joyous amalgamation of traditions as Tunapuna opens its arms to share the essence of Divali with throughout our community.

The streets of Tunapuna are adorned with vibrant lights, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of colors that symbolize the triumph of light over darkness. Elaborate rangoli patterns grace doorsteps, weaving a visual narrative of unity and prosperity. The meticulous decorations serve as a testament to the artistic talents of the community, fostering a sense of collective pride.


The heart of the celebration lies in the cultural performances that bring the community together. Traditional dances, melodious music, and captivating dramas will unfold on stages set up in the heart of Tunapuna. This cultural extravaganza promises to showcase the diversity of talent within the community and create an immersive experience for residents and visitors alike.

No festival is complete without a feast of flavors, and Divali is no exception. The aromas of delectable Indian cuisine waft through the air, enticing passersby to indulge in a culinary journey. Local vendors will offer an array of mouthwatering delicacies, ensuring that the festive spirit extends to the taste buds of all who partake.


The celebration Divali becomes a symbol of harmony in diversity. People of all backgrounds come together to appreciate and partake in the festivities, fostering a sense of unity and understanding. In the spirit of Divali 2023, Tunapuna welcomes everyone to join in the celebration and experience the magic of light, love, and community spirit. May the Festival of Lights illuminate our lives and bring joy to all.

Shubh Divali!